Link: received this helmet an hour ago. It fits me almost like a glove! I'm actually surprised by the fitment. I also got the plume, which did not come with the helmet (the red feather is on backorder). The cheeks hinge fully, the visor can pivot fully, and the sneck hook for the checks fits and moves well. This is not an easy helmet to make, nor a cheap one to have made, so I took a random shot on this since I was quoted over a year before completion by Jeff, and after some back-and-forth details with Clang, I got no response for ~6 or 8 weeks and sent a few reminders to no avail.
Worst case, this would look pretty awesome sitting on the armor stand. But it fits, so huzzah!!
It comes with the "standard" spider-style liner, so it's adjustable. The quality is very good for the price. There's only a few nitpicks on it, and they're both circumstantial - I wish it had brass rivets to match the rest of my armor (which is fixable) and it didn't fit the gorget I have (nor did I expect it to!) ... but that just gives me a reason to order another gorget, doesn't it? The visor opening is *very* small, which I may just grind out slightly for better vision, since I won't have live steel blades swung at me; most of the visibility is actually through the breath holes now. The way the visor sits, it feels almost like a joust helm, where you would lean forwards to charge and target, then lean upright before impact to prevent any King Henry style joust incidents.
Overall, very happy with it for the price - which is $30 off right now, and I had a 10% coupon code too!