These are really great. Between us all, we can probably fill out my panther pavilion with some nice stuff.
That brings up a good question; are we going to have ourselves as Order of the Marshal, or separate knights? I'm not sure where I'll end up for encampment, but I'm guessing the 'War of Roses & Burgundians' area based on my 'lots of plate' favoritism. I can bring the Marshal gonfalon. Do we want to propose any scheduled long sword demos? Or some random improv? I'm not sure I'll make the whole 'patrons' part of the day in harness, but I'm a stubborn little mule, so I'm going to give it a shot.
I've been trying to think of what I can logistically fit inside my own tent, but since I just ordered it last week, and it won't arrive until September, it's pushing up to crunch time on trying to make last-minute furniture and seeing if it fits in the tent and truck, too.
Let's talk a bit offline on coordinating people / stuff / transporting / camping / etc. Despite finding a puddle in my yard yesterday when I got home, due to a leaking water line that needs a replacement (worth 2 average albions - ugh!!), I'm still going to push to make DoK, even if it involves a credit card. We have a lot of different options for camping / setup / etc, and some details on my end are still fuzzy.