Main > The Armoury

New helm Part 2

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Sir James A:
Looks good, congratulations

Sir Ulrich:

Finally found a use for that old GDFB padded coif I had, made it into a liner and put it in the helm so the flat top of the helm doesn't irritate the top of my head. I can now wear it securely and comfortably.

Sir Wolf:
awesome! good job

the problem i have in making these helmets is the brim of the top, i can not get the edges right where they bend over.. one day

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I had trouble wearing it without a liner, it kept moving down and covering my eyes and hitting me in the nose. Thankfully I solved the problem and have my first full knightly helm. Hope the padded coif lining fits over a maille coif. If the ends of the maille dig into my head again I'm just gonna sell the coif I currently have and get the wedge riveted coif because wedge riveted maille on the inside isnt as pokey.

When I wore it with the coif I had to remove the liner because it made it too tight across my head. But it fits SOOO much better with the coif on, just need to add a TINY bit of a liner to it to make it slightly tighter and I'll be good to go.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-07-15, 20:02:13 ---If the ends of the maille dig into my head again I'm just gonna sell the coif I currently have and get the wedge riveted coif because wedge riveted maille on the inside isnt as pokey.

--- End quote ---

Are you wearing the dome heads side on the inside or outside?


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