Main > The Armoury

New helm Part 2

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Sir Ulrich:
Sir William here was kind enough to offer me this helm for 90 bucks, it arrived today and it's large enough to fit under padding unlike my kettle which is rather tight fitting. This will work well for a crusader kit mainly Knights Templar. Though I did find a similar one here

Quite happy with it, now to get a nice linen coif to wear under it so I can wear the maille coif without it digging into me.

Looking good!  Have you tried it with the padding and maille coif yet?  When you do, be sure to take some photos.

Sir Ulrich:
I'll be trying that as soon as I can find a place that sells a nicely padded arming cap that isnt made out of foam. My GDFB one works but it doesnt have any padding on the forehead which is a problem.

Sir Wolf:
wow that looks awesome.

Sir Patrick:
Cool!  I love that era.


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