"I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once. But I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times."
                -- Bruce Lee

Author Topic: FS: Display gauntlets  (Read 6605 times)

Sir James A

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FS: Display gauntlets
« on: 2012-07-11, 23:09:01 »
I got these years back, and don't remember from where (somewhere online) or how much they were. The cuffs are hinged and wrap around completely, which seems completely unhistorical to me. They don't have a lining/glove, but they're shiny and pretty. ;) I had them sitting on a bookshelf just for something cool to look at, but I've got enough books now that I filled up the bookshelf, and these can go. I'd suggest using them just for decor, and not fighting in them.

One thumb came off, and shouldn't be too hard to reattach. The leather is still there, it just needs a washer and new rivet for it.

$55 shipped, paypal preferred

Also have these for sale over on ArmourArchive: http://forums.armourarchive.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=151594  If anybody local wants them, $40 cash and they're all yours :)
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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