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Author Topic: Encampment accessories  (Read 24646 times)

Sir James A

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Re: Encampment accessories
« Reply #45 on: 2012-05-14, 23:38:04 »
Those are some neat chairs!
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Lord Dane

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Re: Encampment accessories
« Reply #46 on: 2012-07-10, 08:07:52 »
most benches/tables/chairs that i know of are all collapsible
need a chest to sit on and hold your stuff. even seen chests that are coolers.
but i would say:
 a bed roll: wool blankets with a linen blanket. and a tick (its a linen or wool sleeping bag that you fill with straw)
a chest
a table
a chair for yourself and one other or a bench.
table cloth w/ long napkins
light source
weapons/armour table/rack/chest/stand not needed but nice.

but most the times i camp as a soldier all i have is straw tick and wool blankets. i throw all my stuff on it and at night i put in a wicker basket and cover the armour with wool to save from the dew.

Interesting list. I've gone a bit further on my battle tent ... so far consisting of:
1.) Hammock w/ head roll
2.) 2 armored chests (for clothing, essentials)
3.) Armor stand for full-plate
4.) Weapons stand for assorted armoury - pole weapons, longswords, etc
5.) 2 Wooden Folding Chairs
6.) 1 Wooden Folding Mini-Table w/ Adornments
7.) 1 Vigil-Shrine-Altar for Religious Ceremony
8.) Cooler for Thirst-quenchers
9.) Candle/Torch Holders
10.) 10'x10' Canopy Battle Tent w/ the trimmings (Paracords, Weights/Supports, Mesh Lining, etc)

Can you think of anything else I might be missing??
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