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Heraldry Registrations in the US

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SCA College of Heralds for myself.

Cavaliere di Fiore:
You only have to register Heraldry if you make it yourself, correct? You don't have to apply for Heraldic imagery that you family already posses'? You would just have to prove that you are of that family if challenged I would assume.


--- Quote from: Cavaliere di Fiore on 2012-07-06, 15:46:17 ---You only have to register Heraldry if you make it yourself, correct? You don't have to apply for Heraldic imagery that you family already posses'? You would just have to prove that you are of that family if challenged I would assume.

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For the SCA?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Cavaliere di Fiore on 2012-07-06, 15:46:17 ---You only have to register Heraldry if you make it yourself, correct? You don't have to apply for Heraldic imagery that you family already posses'? You would just have to prove that you are of that family if challenged I would assume.

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In terms of European Heraldry, it's more complex than that. There are rules about who inherits the heraldry and who doesn't, so direct lineage doesn't automatically indicate that you have the rights to use it.

In the US, there are no "legitimate" government-backed heraldic registries. They're all private, and operate under their own rules, and that includes the SCA.

Cavaliere di Fiore:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-07-06, 19:03:56 ---
In terms of European Heraldry, it's more complex than that. There are rules about who inherits the heraldry and who doesn't, so direct lineage doesn't automatically indicate that you have the rights to use it. 

--- End quote ---

Understood. I believe my family has Heraldry, and also a Crest from Italy. I will need to look into whether or not I can legally use it.


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