Main > The Round Table

Heraldry Registrations in the US

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Sir Edward:
In other threads we've previously discussed places to register your arms, outside of the SCA. Here are two we considered: (never heard back after submitting mine) (expensive)

I saw these mentioned on another forum (specifically, the Chivalry Now site registered arms with both):

Has anyone else looked into these?

Sir James A:
I submitted with, I believe the US Heraldic Registry (if that's the one you and Sir Brian submitted to) and never heard back either.

Sir William:
I think I submitted to the American College one, and haven't heard anything of it.

Edited to add: I just applied to register my CoA with the US Heraldry site listed above...lets hope I hear back from them, despite no one having done so yet.

Joshua Santana:
Looks like I have to get mine registered soon!  Thank you Sir Edward for the links, most helpful.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-06-29, 13:30:45 ---I submitted with, I believe the US Heraldic Registry (if that's the one you and Sir Brian submitted to) and never heard back either.

--- End quote ---

Same for me! Nada!  :(


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