"When a virtuous man is raised, it brings gladness to his friends, grief to his enemies, and glory to his posterity."
                -- Ben Jonson

Author Topic: Which one do you think you are?  (Read 22634 times)

Lord Dane

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Re: Which one do you think you are?
« Reply #30 on: 2012-06-23, 06:31:34 »
Damn. I'll just read the cliff-note version.  ;D
"Fides, Honos, Prudentia, Sapiencia" (Faith, Honor, Prudence, Wisdom)
"Fiat justitia ruat caelum" (Let justice be done)

Cavaliere di Fiore

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Re: Which one do you think you are?
« Reply #31 on: 2012-06-29, 03:29:33 »
Thank you all for indulging me and pardon for my delayed response, it has been a busy couple of weeks. I hope to become a supportive and positive member of this board.

And Sir. Santana, I will say that was quite a lovely post.

Sir Sorbus

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Re: Which one do you think you are?
« Reply #32 on: 2012-08-21, 16:46:10 »
You see, it's very hard to place oneself into any particular category.

I am a fighter in that I can and do fight for what I believe in, though with words and selfless actions rather than fist or blade. That is not something I doubt or debate.

I am something of a warrior in that I do love the competition and adrenaline of a fight, and this was something of an addiction I had as a child. I have not been in a fist-fight for nearly 6 years now, however, which is something that I am very proud of. That being said, I still do crave the rush of a fight as something of a stress relievant, though I think that venting this would be better suited to a martial art, or an organised, acknowledged, friendly bout with a friend rather than a random blood skirmish.

I am a scholar in that I do admire and respect intelligence. There is nothing wrong, I feel, with being intelligent, and with using it. If one should inherit a million dollars, a completely good man/woman with a lack of intelligence would likely give the whole lot away. But an intelligent being may give half away, and invest the rest in some way that would benefit a greater number of people and/or in a bigger way, and this would serve the greater good from a ethically utilitarian perspective. If a man/woman should put his intelligence to use to serve the good of others, is this not still just as chivalrous in a sense? Each person has his own speciality and talent, and they may use them in a way to benefit themselves or others, but few are inherently evil or underhanded. A knife used in the wrong hands to end a life may just as easily be used in the right hands to save a life. (The analogy being the examples of a murderer and a surgeon.)

From what I understand, the "Artist" category, I feel, is almost better named the "Philosopher". I am this too, in that I don't accept anything on blind faith. I do not give in to any form of dogma, regardless of the source or repute. I am Christian, but of my own accord, and in my own special way that I have developed through experience and through observation and thought. No one can force me to be anything that I am not, and anyone who tries is a fool.

I fit very much in all categories, and this is largely what I feel it means to be human. No human is exactly the same as any other human, and there is no ultimate archetype or stereotype. Whilst it is an excellent thought experiment, I think that it is somewhat pointless to try to isolate oneself in any particular category.