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Server upgrade

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Sir Edward:

OK, so here's the plan. I'm hoping to dive into this Saturday morning, with the whole day ahead of me in case things blow up in my face. The forum will definitely be down for some length of time, or even be intermittently visible.

If things go horribly awry, I'll put it all back the way it was and take another stab at it some other time.

If things go much more smoothly than I expect, it'll all be back up and humming along well before lunch.

In reality, it'll probably be somewhere in between, with the big pieces up and running but little details elsewhere that are still broken... meaning, the forum will be up, but some of my back-end stuff with email and DNS and backups and the like might still be hosed. I can deal with cleaning that stuff up later if it comes to that, since the primary work on the server is the web services and the database that runs under them.

It's not often that I rip out the operating system and replace it. I expect much cussing and hair-pulling to ensue, even though I have it pretty well planned out. :)

Sir James A:
My sympathies in advance, having done a few server upgrades in the past. :)

Sir Wolf:
good thing i gotta work sat morning. dont wanna go crazy when its down hahaha

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---good thing i gotta work sat morning. dont wanna go crazy when its down hahaha
--- End quote ---

Hear! Hear!  ;D

Sir Edward:
So far so good. I will probably be fixing small issues for days. But the bigger pieces (the forum primarily) look to be working.

Lots of little headaches along the way of course. The OS starts out really stripped down, so I didn't even have compilers or downloaders for the packages I needed, except for "yum". But little by little, I got things in place. It's been about 2.5 hours so far now.

More to do, but now I can take a deep breath and relax a little. :)


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