Hey, it looks great! Yeah, the nice thing about aluminum, anodized or not, is it will retain its finish very well. Don't have to worry about rusting, etc.
I had originally planned on 3/4 sleeves for mine as well, but stopping at the elbow seemed pretty nice. I suppose if you wanted to shorten the sleeves up, you could always pull out some wire cutters and cut off a few rows. I see they made the sleeves fairly generous in diameter to.
I'm sure you can see why I made mine in aluminum instead of steel. The weight is about 1/3 for the same amount of metal, but you knew that, I'm sure.

I love the sparkly look that the camera flash creates when the mail is all new an clean.

You know, I think I've actually heard of people making mail from soda/beer can tops, and also key rings. It's crazy.