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Lottery winner on Food Stamps?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-03-08, 21:03:36 have a TV in your bathroom?  Talk about living in the lap of luxury...with regular paper/reading material deliveries, I'd never leave!!!  :)

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Ah, sorry, no not at home. There's a TV at the sinks here in the office bathroom that you can hear from the privies. At home, the only entertainment I have is a book or my nintendo DS.

Oh Geez. Ugh that disgusts me. Someone check to make sure she's not on welfare either..... :P

Sir Wolf:
man i wish i could do that too ehhehehe

Sir William:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-03-09, 01:23:44 ---Oh Geez. Ugh that disgusts me. Someone check to make sure she's not on welfare either..... :P

--- End quote ---

She's getting food stamps, that is welfare, my young friend.  In addition to food stamps, Welfare also offers rent assistance, WiC (Women, infant, children- a program designed to see to their nutritive needs, separate from food stamps) and works in tandem with MedicAID to see to their medicinal needs.  A much needed program for those right at or below the poverty income line, which this woman does not fit.  She owns two homes...your average welfare recipient rents; her argument that it should be ok for her to continue to receive foodstamps in the wake of a half million dollar windfall just shows me that she has not yet shaken the ghetto mentality.  She'll probably blow through that half mill before the year's out...we'll see if she still has those houses then.

Hmmmm....Somewhere I missed typing "any other forms of" ah well.
Ugh, I hope she looses both homes. At least then she can legitimatly keep her welfare...     ::)


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