Main > The Round Table

Uh oh Sir James Anderson

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Sir Brian:
I don't know if you've ever seen this guy's CoA. His lions are rampant though.

Sir Edward:

This image doesn't show up if you're not logged into myArmoury.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-19, 03:45:20 ---This image doesn't show up if you're not logged into myArmoury.

--- End quote ---

Let me try this...

Sir Wolf:
ah well he's not a member here so it doesnt really matter to much does it?

Sir Edward:
True, but what if he becomes a member at some point?

But yeah, I wouldn't worry about it right now. Sir James already has a gonfalon painted up, etc. If the other dude were to join us, I'd just try to recommend adding a point of difference to one or the other (like a border or something).

This is why I registered mine in the SCA, so at least the big juggernaut of medieval heraldry in the US has my uniqueness preserved.


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