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Author Topic: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?  (Read 9088 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« on: 2012-01-20, 22:35:08 »
I been looking around for one but cant really find any. I don't really want to do a fantasy LARP because fantasy doesnt really interest me all too much besides lord of the rings I've looked around all I can find is the SCA and SCA doesn't appeal much to me. Markland is also way too... SCA ish from what I saw of Scarlet Cross, I dont care for games where armor doesnt protect you.

Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #1 on: 2012-02-03, 14:09:17 »
Sir Ulrich,

I agree with you, that there are not many groups around concerning "knights" that appeal to me either.

Sir John
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Sir William

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #2 on: 2012-02-03, 15:49:03 »
The SCA is pretty much it...most other HEMA groups (Historical European Martial Arts) seem to focus on the use of weaponry, role playing doesn't fit into the scope of it there.

Which is why we have the Order...this is where WE play, until we can all get together physically, that is.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.â€

Sir Ulrich

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #3 on: 2012-02-05, 06:15:19 »
Just another reason for me to move to Europe (or at least vacation there), they have this sorta stuff especially in eastern Europe.
SCA is way too sportish for my tastes and I don't like wearing all that period inaccurate plate for my kit thats supposed to be the mid 13th century. I saw a group in England with mailled knights and sparring.
 This group seems to be the only group thats majority 13-14 century knights I seen in my local area. Looks like we're gonna have to plan more meet-ups and perhaps even sparring with wooden or blunted weapons.

Only issue is normal LARP groups have too much fantasy inspired crap in them and I don't care for sparring with boffers and stupid round shields with foam covering them. Tons of D&D geeks there too who dont look like they're "fit" for the medieval age. LARPing in Europe looks a bit better based than Americas stuff as does the medieval reenacting.

Sir Wolf

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #4 on: 2012-02-05, 08:15:39 »
canada has a large amount of sweet looking larps too

Sir James A

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #5 on: 2012-02-05, 20:57:26 »
I think part of the problem is LARP is generally assumed to be fantasty, since it's "role playing".

SCA is the "middle ground" since people have a "persona", and sometimes get called role players, but there's no magic, wizards, or other fantasy fluff.

The group you sound like you want is re-enactors or living history. These are the groups that seem to be focused on education, re-creation, and/or WMA inspired combat but generally not while wearing armor.

It's a tough situation, and I think your best bet may actually be to try to find some locals with the same interests in mind, and form your own group.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #6 on: 2012-02-06, 01:33:28 »
we're all larps. fantasy, sca and lh groups. anyone that tells u different is hiding his shame. hehehe

Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: Non fantasy medieval LARP groups?
« Reply #7 on: 2012-02-06, 19:13:59 »
I like doing living history...previously, when my wife was alive, we used to do Civil War (US) living history for quite a number of years. I portrayed a provost marshal and even bought an 1863 (printed date) on the subject. But the politics got bad (a lot of the guys from the unit preferred being with me than reeneacting a battle, so I got pushed out by certain members who got jealous.)

I hated using the pen that dips in ink, so I did research and found that in 1860 there were 3 patents for fountain pens, two in the North and one that still makes them today: Cross pens...so I bought one of theirs...the closest I could get to the real thing.

I even found the manufacturer of the badge that was issued to them...and they still had the mold, and so made me one!!! Unfortunately I'm at work, so don't have a photo of me in uniform...a uniform that I made myself...so it's hand sewed like the real ones were.

Sir John
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
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