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Some pics from Halloween

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Some pics from the last event I went to was their "Malloween" event at the Bayfield Mall in Barrie Ontario.

I must remember to put the gorget on correctly next time.  I had it on backwards the whole day and it really made things uncomfortable and I didnt figure out why until after I saw the pictures...

I was able to borrow someone's helmet for the long sword demonstrations that I participated in.

The helmet I borrowed didn't fit me 100% correctly so it was very difficult to see out of unless I held my head forward.  I can't wait until I get my own that fits properly and is adjustable.

Sir William:
Merc, very cool...this is the sort of thing we want to get more involved in- public displays of affection of the type we're all familiar with!  Thanks for sharing.

Sir Edward:

Fantastic. Yeah, we definitely need to start doing historical demos and the like.

Sir James A:
Looks like you had a lot of fun.

Amen! I need to get some safety gear for my guys lol! Hey, I'd be game for any demos Sir Brian And Sir Ed, if you'd have me.   :D


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