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Discussion: Modern Chivalry Dead?

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I think that while being kind isn't human nature, it is the nature of chivalry.
I will not compromise my chivalry because a woman might say it's demeaning. Chivalry isn't gender specific. It applies to all. Am I any less chivalrous to a person simply because they don't need my immediate help, regardless of gender? I think I should not be.  :)

Sir Christopher Warren:
Indeed Chivalry is not gender specific. In the case where a woman feels it is demeaning for a male to be chivalrous is a woman who likely subscribes to the gender equality ideal where women can do anything a man can do.
Which is all well and good but in the case where a woman is disgusted and scorns a man for being polite or being "old fashioned" is in effect being uneqaul by demanding a man NOT be chivalrous.
Where the concept of equality is life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The demand to not follow one's belief to act in good nature to fellow humans be they male or female is a form of oppression and certainly not equal...even if it is formed and done so in ignorance.

Sir Rodney:
The basis for this article was the "Guy Ritchie incident".  Plainly said, he acted like a cad.   ::)

Chivalry is not dead in modern American society, and I'm a pessimist.  I've viewed simple acts such as holding an elevator for someone, holding a door for a lady and assisting the less fortunate among us on a daily basis.  The "political correctness" craze in the first decade of this century has created a form of backlash in my opinion.  I'm encountering more "plain talk" and "honest action" than I did 10 years ago.

Take my opinion for what's worth. I am an Eagle Scout, SCA member, aspiring European martial artist and a Yeoman in the Order of the Marshal.  My glasses may have a bit of a rose colored tint.   ;)

Sir William:
Well said, all around.  Chivalry is not dead, it isn't a light switch- you either live it or don't, although for my part, I do struggle at times...if only because there are so many who lack the ability or upbringing to appreciate such.

But chivalry is about more than just polite words and kind really is about caring for your fellow man, even though there may be no such definition written down, that is all it really is.  Whether or not a particular person subscribes to the notion, derides it or has no idea of it- it still exists for me and in me and so long as that is the case and I still draw breath- chivalry lives.

Well said, Sir William!  :)


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