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Discussion: Modern Chivalry Dead?

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Sir Christopher Warren:
Greetings all,

It has been a little while since I have posted anything here but I think I would come back around and pick your brains about something I found the other day on the topic of Modern Chivalry or the lack thereof in society and why.

Here is the article I found:

The Author raises some interesting points and some situations in the replies that I was flabbergasted to read about and yet they took place. I thought it would be interesting to hear some of your takes on the situation(s) to compare.

Very Respectfully,
Sir Christopher

As far as holding doors and such. I still do and will do it. Never have had a bad word said against it. Mostly smiles, surprised looks and sometimes indifference. I will cling to this last shred of chivalry and enjoy it. As far as the Guy Ritchie thing, a simple hand up would not have hurt for a male for female that had fallen in such close proximity.

Equal rights does means equal responsibility.

Women can't have it both ways.

However, one can be the same level of descent to all folks you meet.

Sir Christopher Warren:
Good points I agree. I think on the issue of how women can't have it both ways makes a good argument on how women view men and how distorted and unfair that predisposed view can be.

In the case of Guy Ritchie not helping the woman who had fallen is indeed a gross lack of humanity much less politeness. The author of the article goes on to almost justify the action by explaining how women who have moved away from the traditional role of homemaker and the keys to our progeny to being a success in a occupation or being more self made and so on. Thereby the necessity for a man to act Chivalrous has all but fallen to the wayside.

The author then goes on to say "My habit is to treat women as they wish to be treated. If a woman insists that she is equal to me, then I will show her no more favor or mercy than I would show a man. Pay for yourself, defend yourself, and get your own damn door. If, on the other hand, a woman indicates that she subscribes to traditional and unequal standards, I am pleased to show her with all the conventional courtesy that was previously provided to all the members of the erstwhile "fair sex"." Which is to say he will be chivalrous when it suits the situation.

Which in my view is rather contradictory to the spirit of chivalry. I would argue that Chivalry is not something to be switched on and off like a light switch. Rather it is a method by which one lives life and how and why one responds to any given situation.

So in light of what a woman would say or how they would respond in kind should have little or even no bearing on whether or not one should be chivalrous. Indeed the idea of chivalry being founded on not only principles of honor, courage, self sacrifice but also prowess, self reliance, and fortitude among other things. Chivalry in a time of convenience or when it is at the pleasure of women is not chivalrous at all. To lower yourself and to not do what you know and feel is right based on how someone may respond is a weakness of character and a lack of prowess and confidence.

Simply because a woman does not wish a door opened for her or does not wish a hand up is besides the point. Indeed it should not matter that the person is male or female. The simple fact that a fellow human being is in distress or even in need of civility in day to day life should be a call to chivalric action despite the response.

I understand some points if a woman thinks she can do things for herself and she is getting angry about you even holding a door open saying she doesnt need help from anyone, then and i say bluntly screw her. But. Anyone else man or woman if I was to see somone fall or somthing like that I would help them up unles theyre like some huge person where my help wouldnt matter, I cant lift a 500 lb man or woman, but im getting off topic. Aside from that its just human nature to help out and be kind


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