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Author Topic: Boots  (Read 13486 times)

Joshua Santana

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Re: Boots
« Reply #15 on: 2012-05-23, 16:04:32 »
From what I understand, Revival.us is completely under new ownership now and has severed ties with Brian Price.

That is the news I also heard.  I consider it to be a good thing.

Yes Revival has new owners, I was PM'ed the news due to my involvement, though Chiv Bookshelf is still Brian's (and he has yet to return the publishing rights like promised). Strange to think I had something to do with that just by asking the right question at the right time.

Hhhmm, I see, well from what I can tell, it seems the lawsuit against Chivalry Bookshelf is still on. 

Currently Brian Price is in Afghanistan working for the US Gov.

That is strange, I suppose this is his evading the lawsuit to buy time.  I also hope he can learn a moral lesson or two while in service. 
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