"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
                -- Mary Pickford

Author Topic: Maille arrived  (Read 24602 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Re: Maille arrived
« Reply #45 on: 2011-09-01, 01:34:53 »
Yup found out they're 17 gauge while the Icefalcon maille is 18 gauge. So much for a consistent look, oh well gonna use them for mittens while I'm gonna buy some Icefalcon rings to replace the rings in my hauberk that the rivets fell out or was poorly riveted. I want my rings to be all even on my hauberk and consistent, I don't mind if my coif or mittens don't match my hauberk though cause it's a different piece.

Man I am so picky with keeping everything consistent but meh you're talking to someone who likes everything to be even. I do plan to blue the rings to make them look consistent and I am going to buy a GDFB coif chop up the aventail so it's got a square front and back to stop it from sliding around and add a ventail to it to protect my face using the extra maille I cut off the aventail. Any suggestions on what one to get? I got a lot of choices of rivet types I could go for wedge or round.