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Author Topic: Sir Joshua's Surpirise Kit  (Read 15587 times)

Joshua Santana

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Re: Sir Joshua's Surpirise Kit
« Reply #15 on: 2011-08-07, 00:42:50 »
That is a nice helm...I think I'll be looking for an open faced bascinet, much like the MRL one, pretty soon.

That is a good idea and maybe that is what I should get instead of a Cervelliere Helmet.  MRL does have one but I am thinking about finding a vendor in which they sell open face bascinets w/aventails (or separately) and work with that.

This Kit is one of three Kits I intend to create and ultimately wear.  The first is the Late 15th - Early 16th Century Kit, the suprise Kit is the second one and as a bonus (and wink to Sir Nathan for inspiring me to do this) a Teutonic Kit!  Details on these Kits are coming up soon in future threads, thank you for your advice and input. If I find anything (concerning this Kit) I will post.  Thanks!
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.