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Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
There's another movie called "Ironclad" which I just started watching. It has a "Thomas Marshal" in it, but I can't find any of William's relatives with that name. The movie takes place just after King John signs the magna carta.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I try to cover a lot of different themes. This knight of the week is: "Lochinvar" - The poem was based on a real person. Young Lochinvar was said to be the Laird of Lochivar, Scotland, William de Gordon of Kenmure. Young Lockinvar held the title of "Viscount of Kenmure." He became chieftan after his father's death. When he was 17 he had travelled across the border into England with a heard of cattle. They were to be delivered to Netherby Hall, home of the Graham family. When he laid eyes on Ellen Graham, he fell in love with her.  Ellen's father finally gave consent to their marriage to the young Scot, however a war had broken out in France and Lochinvar went to fight. At the age of 23, he had seen conflict across Europe. He had been at war for only 8 months when he was wounded and taken captive. He vowed never to fight in another war. It was thought that he had died and so Ellen was betrothed to another. Finally he was released and he reutned home to find the news of Ellen's intended marriage.  William wasn't able to get to the wedding until after it took place, but as it was ending and their eyes met, they took off together. They took a ship to the South of France on the Italian border and lived happily ever after.William died in 1455.

"So faithful in love and dauntless in war, there never was a knight like young Lockinvar....One touch of her hand and one word in her ear, when they reached the church door the charger stood near.....There was racing and chasing, on Cannoble Lee, but the lost bride of Netherby ne're did they see. So daring in love, and daunting in war, Have ye e'er heard of a gallant like young Lockinvar?"

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-12-18, 16:05:00 ---
By the way, a movie called "Robin Hood" starring Russell Crowe fairly follows the actual story of Sir Robert's time at the end, with King Richard and sets the stage for Robin "Hood." Sir William Marshal is also portrayed in the movie.

--- End quote ---

I was going to say, your history seemed like it was taken directly from the movie- that the movie tried to tie in historicity w/the legend of Robin Hood is very cool to me.  Thanks for sharing!

Ironclad was an excellent movie in my book, altho I do not think Thomas Marshal, if he ever existed, was any relation to William...he could've been son to another Marshal (maybe of France).

Sir Andrew:
Ah, thieves of hearts as well....have to keep an eye on those Scots! a good bit of history well done, Sir John!

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Knight of the week: "Sir Nikola Subic Zrinski" - Nikola was born in 1508.The Zrinski family was influential during the period of history marked by the Ottoman wars in Europe. Zrinski means "those of Zrin" and are a branch of the Subic family.In the 16th century, Ban Nikola gained dominion over the northernmost part of Croatia. He distinquished himself in the seige of Vienna in 1529 and in 1542 saved the imperial army from defeat before Pest, for which service he was knighted and appointed Ban of Croatia.

The King Ferdinand I gave him large possessions in Hungary and Croatia.  In 1556 he won a series of victories over the Ottomans, culminating in the battle of Babocsa. Shortly after marrying his second wife in 1564, he hastened southward to defend the frontier and defeated the Ottomans at Szeged.

In 1566, his small force (2,300 soldiers) heroically defended the little fortress of Szigetvar against the Ottoman host of 102,000 soldiers led by Suleiman in person. The battle ended with Nikola perishing with every member of the garrison. Although it was an Ottoman victory, it stopped the Ottoman push to Vienna. Today he is seen as a hero by both the Hungarians and Croatians. Cardinal Richelieu described it as "the battle that saved civilization."


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