Main > The Round Table

Character Assassin gets his just deserts!

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Sir William:
Every time my connection lags, there's always that little niggling thought at the back of my mind that tells me someone's managed to figure out my WEP key and are pirating my link-up.  The bastards!  lol

All kidding aside, this and the whole ID theft thing are really more concerning than a lot of other issues that may've once taken precedence in my mind.  Too much to worry about and not enough answers.

Sir James A:
I hope that guy enjoys being a "lady" for the next 18 years. He earned it! And let's hope the Minnesota jails stay funded so he doesn't get out early. He sounds like a real piece of work.

Sir Patrick:
Wow.  No other words, :o

Ha! That'll teach him!
But WTF would they shut down the whole of Minnesota? Did a whole bunch of important people leave their brains at home today?

Sir William:
'They' meaning the gov't, wouldn't.  We're talking about a small pocket of disgruntled citizens (more likely a larger pocket than it used to be, given the economy, high taxes, etc etc) who want to prove some point.  Like I said...the only point they'll prove is that the infrastructure would collapse relatively quickly...only an idiot would not realize that.  lol


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