Main > The Round Table

Character Assassin gets his just deserts!

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Yeah, hello! *cough cough*-Rome-*cough cough*

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-28, 00:18:25 ---Yeah, hello! *cough cough*-Rome-*cough cough*

--- End quote ---
Sadly, this is a very accurate analogy.

In Minnesota, and I'm sure elsewhere, our major problem is that elected officials only look to the next election cycle.  They do not look for long term solutions, only short term band-aids that push the real problem on to the next generation.

Our great and esteemed elected officials have "balanced" our budget as required by our state constitution.  They simply cut programs for the neediest in our state and delayed payments to our schools for another year or two.  They "kicked the can down the road".

On paper we have a "balanced budget" for the next two years at the expense of our education system.  Now schools from elementary to state colleges have to figure out how to keep their doors open as they will not be receiving promised state funds.  They will have to beg the citizens for a huge levy and take out high interest loans in the hope that they will eventually, some day, receive the funding that they were originally promised when they created their budgets.

I'm sorry for the rant, as this discussion is not related to the OP, but this disaster has affected my household directly.  Now back to our originally scheduled programming.

Rome indeed. :'(


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