Main > The Round Table


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Sir William:
Whoa...he's skilled despite the loss of a leg.   Has anyone ever tried for the crutch, a dirty move no doubt?

Sir Rodney:
There is a story on AA about how four newer fighters approached him during a melee and offered single combat rather than ganging up on him.  The experienced fighters on the sidelines shouted at the young guys not to do it!

He took out all four of them, one by one. ;D

Sir William:
HA - LOVE IT!!!!

Sir Rodney:
I had the pleasure of befriending, fighting with and partying with a gentleman by the SCA name "James of Doncaster" last year.  He is very formidable with spear as well as sword & shield without half of his left arm!  He backed our line by poking people who got a little too close, and then would draw off over-eager opponents by back peddling right past my polearm providing an all too easy kill.  He has the coolest custom prosthetic that's designed to strap to his shield, cradle a spear and attach to a two handed sword.  On top of all this he is very chivalric and has a great sense of humor!


I have a copy of that picture. It makes me happy when I see it.


Me to, the autism that is. I have a full blown case of Asperger's Syndrome.


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