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Joshua Santana:
Rautskegg: well, that makes the both of us!  With disabilities but never giving up on doing the right, honorable  thing.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-04-11, 18:19:44 ---There is a story on AA about how four newer fighters approached him during a melee and offered single combat rather than ganging up on him.  The experienced fighters on the sidelines shouted at the young guys not to do it!

He took out all four of them, one by one. ;D

--- End quote ---

I remember seeing a post by/on behalf of him on AA. Either about his upcoming authorization, or being granted it. It was a very moving post.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah speaking of aspergers I doctors used to think I had aspergers cause I had some traits of it. I've overcome a lot of it apart from my chronic shyness which came mostly from isolation. I don't think I really have it, I just think I fell for the stereotype threat along with going to school with them. Got more of a problem with stress and shyness more than anything else really. Think if someone was my "wingman" and helped me meet new people I'd overcome the shyness.

Sir William:
Sir Ulrich...I suffered from the same during my adolescent years.  I had no wingman was rough going at times but you know, weathering such storms only served to form me into the man I am today.  Have no only gets better as you get older.  Even the hiccups you experience socially will eventually smooth out.  

Take heart, for you are a Knight, a member of a newly-created yet esteemed Order...something no one else your age can claim (locally).  

Sir Edward:

Boy do I understand having the shy, awkward youthful years. :) I was about as cripplingly shy as anyone. I couldn't talk to girls, let alone date any. Wow, what I mess I was.

I'm also a survivor of clinical depression (something I wouldn't wish on anyone).

These things always serve to remind me that you can never truly know what hardships a person has faced in their lives.


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