Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-21, 02:48:50
Season of the Witch
i see knights ooooooooooooooo heheh and nick cage with a bad accent
A 14th century Crusader returns to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague.
wait what?
"The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350." (
Well, they got that part right. It's a shame the 9th crusade was 1271–1272, decidedly 13th Century. :)
Somehow I just know this will be two hours of my life I won't get back...
hahah aright thats what i meant, they show templers from the 1100s hehe
That looks ... Interesting. If I remember correctly, among the many theories postulated for the plague at the time, witchcraft was pretty prevelant. So the story is plausible, even if they are mixing time periods. I think in one of the scenes, I saw masks worn by plague doctors which I believe did not appear until the 1400's, but I may be off on that. I'll probably wind up seeing it at some time or other because of the theme and Nick Cage is in it. For some reason, I like him, one of the few actors that I generally like their work.
I just watched the trailer...thanks for posting, Sir Wolf. I'm gonna see this...if its good enough, it'll get added to the collection. Unfortunately for us, Hollywood seems to be one of the few places still willing to indulge us knights...if they get some of the history wrong, we know they meant to do that. Although I thought I saw Teutonic knights...if that's so, maybe they were involved in the Crusades of the Baltic Sea area? Those ran from the 13th - 16th Centuries? A bit of a stretch, I know, but isn't that what Hollywood does regularly?
I`m sure Hollywood will stay true to character and have made an entertaining although historically incorrect movie ::)
There`s always the Alexandrian Crusade of October 1365 or the crusade against the Otoman empire of 1391. Both of these would be a bit late to tie in with the plague I would have thought.