Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir William on 2010-10-26, 16:37:49

Title: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-26, 16:37:49
This was an awesome movie and I'll tell you why- there wasn't a lot to the story, not a lot of dialog but LOADS of bloody and gruesome action sequences...some of which made me cringe a little.  We managed to catch it on OnDemand, same day as it hit the theaters...after seeing it, I knew I would acquire the DVD in time.  Plus, two of the main characters were also Spartans in 300.
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-26, 20:57:30
is it on dvd? i wanted to see this one
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-26, 22:11:02
It actually is now...I found one on eBay for $20 shipped; there are a few out there. 
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-11-21, 05:59:16
Rented it tonight.  Not bad by Hollywood standards.  The violence is pretty gritty, but has a "realistic" as opposed to glorified feel to it.  Man, those real life Roman infantry men must have had some serious stones!
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-21, 12:53:32
on my wish list for sure now. that chick looks hot
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-11-21, 14:39:59
that chick looks hot

She has issues. ;)
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Matthew on 2010-11-21, 20:34:58
I remember briefly seeing some adds for this film and thinking it looked pretty good. It was in and out of the theater before I could even think of getting out to see it. Maybe I'll use one of the free on demand movie coupons I got to watch it, if it's still available there. After seeing the Last Legion, I hope that I am not disapointed. That was a really good film set in the waning days of the Roman Empire.
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-21, 20:45:50
ahhh i think i'm the only one that liked last legion hehehe
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-11-22, 04:39:04
I liked it waaay better than Last Legion.  Though I'm not sure that's a fair compliment. ;)
Title: Re: Centurion - the movie
Post by: Sir William on 2010-11-22, 16:32:35
that chick looks hot

She has issues. ;)

I liked her in Hitman, too.  She's really hot.  But the Red Knight's this movie, she definitely has issues, but understandably once you know the story.

I liked Last Legion too...but to me, this was a better movie if but for the gritty aspect given to the whole thing.  What I liked about Centurion is that you didn't get a sense of the clean and uncluttered majesty that was Rome in Gladiator (as Red Knight had mentioned)...the only references you get give the image of a distant place, far-removed from where they all happen to be.