Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir William on 2010-10-26, 16:37:49
This was an awesome movie and I'll tell you why- there wasn't a lot to the story, not a lot of dialog but LOADS of bloody and gruesome action sequences...some of which made me cringe a little. We managed to catch it on OnDemand, same day as it hit the theaters...after seeing it, I knew I would acquire the DVD in time. Plus, two of the main characters were also Spartans in 300.
is it on dvd? i wanted to see this one
It actually is now...I found one on eBay for $20 shipped; there are a few out there.
Rented it tonight. Not bad by Hollywood standards. The violence is pretty gritty, but has a "realistic" as opposed to glorified feel to it. Man, those real life Roman infantry men must have had some serious stones!
on my wish list for sure now. that chick looks hot
that chick looks hot
She has issues. ;)
I remember briefly seeing some adds for this film and thinking it looked pretty good. It was in and out of the theater before I could even think of getting out to see it. Maybe I'll use one of the free on demand movie coupons I got to watch it, if it's still available there. After seeing the Last Legion, I hope that I am not disapointed. That was a really good film set in the waning days of the Roman Empire.
ahhh i think i'm the only one that liked last legion hehehe
I liked it waaay better than Last Legion. Though I'm not sure that's a fair compliment. ;)
that chick looks hot
She has issues. ;)
I liked her in Hitman, too. She's really hot. But the Red Knight's this movie, she definitely has issues, but understandably once you know the story.
I liked Last Legion too...but to me, this was a better movie if but for the gritty aspect given to the whole thing. What I liked about Centurion is that you didn't get a sense of the clean and uncluttered majesty that was Rome in Gladiator (as Red Knight had mentioned)...the only references you get give the image of a distant place, far-removed from where they all happen to be.