Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Ancelyn on 2010-10-22, 00:03:00
I bought this around the same time I got "Fighting with the German Longsword." It's been a while since I read it, but I remember that it made a lot of good points and seemed well reasoned and researched. Has anyone else encountered this tome?
no i dont think i have. hmmmm looks at full bookshelf, hmmm
Added it to the wish-list. :)
Here's the amazon link to the hardcover: (
Now I can start to rake in my comission from the publisher. ;)
I'll have to look into this...I could use some pointers in the chivalrous behavior arena.
My copy arrived. No time to read it yet. It'll take me the rest of the year to finish the book I'm on, probably.
What're you reading currently?
I'm still reading The Knight of the Cart in the collection of Chretien de Troyes stories. It's taking forever since I only find time for a few pages here and there. :-\
Oh ok, I don't feel so bad. I'm still working my way through the Knight with the Lion, which isn't AS hard to get thru as Cliges was...or even the Cart for that matter...but as I'm not yet at the end, I'll leave the final say for that part.
agreed! still on lion, grail will never get here.
i vote a smaller book next time
Yea, with less LOVE involved...I swear, that guy gets in the way of EVERYONE in all of de Troyes' stories! lol