Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2010-08-12, 23:07:01

Title: Movie Review: Tristan & Isolde
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-08-12, 23:07:01
Title: Re: Movie Review: Tristan & Isolde
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-08-13, 02:38:10
well i have to say it wasn't that bad. sorta liked the setting. swords were set to "dark age". costumes were bad but the fortifications were good. a little slow at times but none the less I'm glad I watched it.
Title: Re: Movie Review: Tristan & Isolde
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-08-13, 10:51:15
I liked that movie as well. Well enough to add it to the DVD library.  :)
Title: Re: Movie Review: Tristan & Isolde
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-08-13, 13:09:37

I've added it to the Christmas list. I liked it too, but I only saw it the one time in the theater. I need to refresh my memory.
Title: Re: Movie Review: Tristan & Isolde
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-16, 19:56:15
I like this movie, even if they put more emphasis into the romantic aspects and less of the combat...still, it was decently acted, the actors used to portray their parts did so ably.  Definitely one for the collection.