Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2009-10-05, 19:21:32

Title: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir Edward on 2009-10-05, 19:21:32

[youtube][/youtube] (
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2009-10-05, 21:12:22
Excellent !!
We had the opportunity to see these guys at Agincourt a couple of years ago, check out their other videos too.

Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-26, 18:23:16
Now THAT was awesome...I like how they broke it down for you after the move was finished.
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-10-27, 01:02:22
I MUST find a class nearby!!!!
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-27, 01:16:41
super cool
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-27, 14:22:42
From where do you hail, Red Knight?
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-10-28, 03:00:43
St. Louis.  We have a couple of guys who do some longsword stuff periodically, and an SCA chapter, but by and large there's nothing beyond YMCA fencing around here.
Title: Re: Interesting longsword video (youtube)
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-28, 14:33:44
Oh ok, got you...I guess we ARE lucky then, Das Bill's local!