Miscellaneous => The Sallyport => Topic started by: Sir Robert on 2014-01-27, 15:02:10
Ok I'm posing this as off topic to let all you know:
My son and I are Ski Instructors at Alpine Mountain in the Poconos, I was involved in a rather unfortunate accident while teaching a student nearly collided with me. Basically they cut across the tails of my skis on a cutting drill at speed which unlock my rt ski and sent me into a forward spill into some moguls. My left ski did not release, and at first I thought I broke my leg but I actually ripped my Achilles tendon, I have surgery on the 28th, but the rehabilitation may take through October, hence I am not sure if any will see me in armor this year. If not, well it is what it is and my heart will yet be with you and I will be back at some point, you never know maybe I will be good by September, but if not, Yours in Brotherhood Always. Upside is I will be on the forum more I think.
Get well Fast Sir Robert.
Oh my! Let's hope for a speedy recovery. Tearing the achilles tendon is a significant injury, one which will highly limit your activities for a while. Youch. Hopefully the surgery will go smoothly!
Brotherhood always! May you go forth with a speedy recovery!
Yes here`s to a speedy recovery sir.
I hope you heal swiftly, Brother.
Yikes! Best wishes for the surgery and the recovery. Get better soon!
Yikes! :o
So sorry to hear that Sir Robert! One of the other members of my WMA group tore his during a saber duel almost a year ago and is just getting back to training last month. It is a very grievous injury and I hope you have a full and quick recovery!
Thank you all brothers, yes its a pretty bad injury, I am trying to ignore that for now and take it as it comes rather than think about it, I personally want the universal remote control or to be knocked out for the duration but that's not going to happen so it will only be what it will be. Thank you all again.
Best of luck Sir Robert! Godspeed, and if all else fails, just take 800 mils of motrin and walk it off :)
Ouch! Best wishes for the surgery and recovery!
Best of luck Sir Robert! Godspeed, and if all else fails, just take 800 mils of motrin and walk it off :)
LOL, walk off a torn Achilles tendon? I'd pay money to see that. ;)
Best of luck Sir Robert! Godspeed, and if all else fails, just take 800 mils of motrin and walk it off :)
LOL, walk off a torn Achilles tendon? I'd pay money to see that. ;)
Huh? Ask any Navy doctor, 800 mills of motrin and walking cures everything!
Best of luck Sir Robert! Godspeed, and if all else fails, just take 800 mils of motrin and walk it off :)
LOL, walk off a torn Achilles tendon? I'd pay money to see that. ;)
Huh? Ask any Navy doctor, 800 mills of motrin and walking cures everything!
I didn't know Navy Doctors were trained by the Internet. ;)
Godspeed on your recover, brother. That is a truly nasty injury to sustain.
noooooooooooooooooooo yeeeeouch man, get well soon ok? or we will push you down when the zombies attack lol
Here's to a speedy recovery! :)
Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Sir Robert.
Godspeed on your recovery.
That sucks! I wish you a speedy recovery. The wife just had Rotator Cuff and Labrum surgery and recovery has been speedy and relatively pain free...but definitely arduous whenever one of your limbs gets taken away!
Get well my friend. I too am on the recovery wagon. Out for at least another month.
Get well soon brother. God speed your recovery.
Get well my friend. I too am on the recovery wagon. Out for at least another month.
"But I don't want to go in the wagon. I feel fine!"
Get well my friend. I too am on the recovery wagon. Out for at least another month.
"But I don't want to go in the wagon. I feel fine!"
No your not, Youll be stone Dead in a second.