Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Nate on 2013-11-02, 16:50:41
The chronicles of prydain series by Lloyd Alexander, is one of my favorite series since it was the second fantasy thing for me. I read most of the books in the series but I didn't finish the fourth or 5th due to it being stolen or misplaced. It is an easy enjoyable read and well written. There was also a Disney movie on it, called the black cauldron that was bad. But it's a good read, my dad would read one to us when we were little. Its a good bed time story for kids. But by the third book it gets darker.
loved these books. reread all of them this past year :)
A great series - I thoroughly enjoyed them when I was young & have read them to my girls a couple of times. Would make a great movie series if done right (a la PJ & LoR).
Ya they would be cool.
Forbid disney from
A great series - I thoroughly enjoyed them when I was young & have read them to my girls a couple of times. Would make a great movie series if done right (a la PJ & LoR).
Yes If I should ever be a father, I will definetily make sure to read it to my children