Miscellaneous => The Sallyport => Topic started by: Sir Nate on 2013-09-30, 02:31:06
This is the movie that really inspired me to start collecting armor, and fulfill that oath to be a knight.
Classic. Kind of the other side of the coin of "Excalibur."
"If I would ever leave you..."
ya, i really enjoy both of those films.
There was one called merlin, it was a more of a 2 part show movie, "thing", not the tv show.
I enjoy it because it starts from merlin, through uther, to the death of king arthr.
I saw Camelot before Excalibur or merlin so it was the first King Arthur movie i had seen.(except monty python and quest for camelot)
I don't think I've seen Camelot. Loved Excalibur as a kid....
Camelot is great.
I also really like Merlin, Nate - Sam O'Neil is something of an underrated actor, in my opinion.
Haven't seen that one, adding it to my list to look for.
I watched that one a while back. I think we watched it in school too, probably in high school. Be forewarned, it's a musical. :)
The music is so catchy.
Ya I need to get camelot on dvd, I try to watch when its on or on demand.
I like watching these 3 movies because were one of them may leave a gap of info the other fulfills.
Since I don't want to start a new thread Im just going to comment that today is my official 15th birthday.
Happy Birthday!