Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-20, 16:15:48

Title: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-20, 16:15:48
I’ve decided to stop wearing my good revival clothing gambeson for my regular longsword training as it is really showing some signs of wear and tear. I still intend to wear it when we do our period demonstrations but for regular training I’m switching to the Motor cross type of armor and put a bid on a set like this. If I can win the auction I’ll pick it up for less than $40!  :)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-20, 17:33:58
That looks like something Batman might wear.  ;)

You have to let us know how it works out for you...might be a good idea for all of us to invest in a similar setup for the same reasons.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-20, 18:52:10
Actually more and more HEMA practitioners have started wearing them. The guy from MASHS that won the Capitol HEMA open last month has been wearing one for over a year now and I noticed several other contestants at the tournament wearing them. A couple of other MASHs students started wearing them as well because they offer far better protection vs. a longsword than the traditional fencing jackets but not nearly as hot as a gambeson.  ;)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-20, 19:54:47

Cool, let me know how you like it. Assuming you win the auction. :) I may have to try one out as well.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-20, 21:19:39
I will because I won the auction! It's mine for $27.00 plus S&H for a total of $36.00 which is a pretty sweet deal to try something new. :)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-20, 21:43:54
Does he have anymore?
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-20, 23:33:20
That looks like something Batman might wear.  ;)

Hmm. Batman. Yes, Batman.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-02-21, 02:38:24
wheres the nipples?
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-21, 09:24:32
Does he have anymore?

Just do a basic search in Ebay ( will bring up several people selling them. :)

wheres the nipples?

You're such a perverted randy goat!  :P -jk  ;)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-02-21, 14:27:12
what? batman had nipples! well in the batman/ robin movie he did lol
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-21, 16:37:03
what? batman had nipples! well in the batman/ robin movie he did lol

I believe that *every* Batman had nipples. I think the question is, did his costume/equipment also have them? :)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-21, 17:56:30

Nice one, Sir James...and I believe Sir Wolf is referring to the godawfully campy Batman and Robin Hood spate of movies.  Nipples on a useful is that?
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-02-21, 18:05:18

Nice one, Sir James...and I believe Sir Wolf is referring to the godawfully campy Batman and Robin Hood spate of movies.  Nipples on a useful is that?

Now that you mention it, I think Sir William needs a cowl.  ;D
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-21, 20:06:43
Sir Edward is the Batman of the Board...I'll defer to him.  lol
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2013-02-21, 21:01:35

"I am Vengeance! I am the Knight!...."
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-22, 14:31:48
I’ve decided to stop wearing my good revival clothing gambeson for my regular longsword training as it is really showing some signs of wear and tear. I still intend to wear it when we do our period demonstrations but for regular training I’m switching to the Motor cross type of armor and put a bid on a set like this. If I can win the auction I’ll pick it up for less than $40!  :)

Sir Brian, is that the front or the back?  It looks like the standard spine protector...
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-22, 15:54:58
The picture is the back view. I don't have a front view so don't know if it protects the lower rib cage, but I will probably still wear my chest protector underneath it anyways for the added protection. ;)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-02-22, 17:44:32
Quite interesting. 
I’ve decided to stop wearing my good revival clothing gambeson for my regular longsword training as it is really showing some signs of wear and tear.

I see this is a warning, I thank you Sir Brian.  I was considering a front chest protection (similar to what Guy Windsor wears when he bouts) but it seems finding one is quite difficult.

Here is a WMA Equipment list in which I have drafted to achieve a period look when free fencing.

Revival Clothing gambeson (more likely to change or substituted with a Fuhlen Designs Gambeson)

Revival Thigh Knee Boots (got to admit it looks awesome)

Wondrose Armory Fiore Sparring Helmet w/ aventail

Rondel Elbows and Vambraces from Mad Matt's (or Anshelm)

(Gauntlets from Mad Matt's from my 14th century Harness)

What do you think?  Suggestions or warnings welcome!

Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-22, 17:48:19
Sounds good...let me know how it works out for you.  They're relatively cheap for the nonce...until the sellers figure out that WMA'ers may be interested as well and who knows, maybe jack up the price a little?  ;)

I actually picked up a fencing chest least that's what it was billed as...have to take some pics.

Sir Joshua, were you able to get a firm commitment from Mad Matt about those aforementioned pieces?  I know from personal experience that he likes a certain dollar amount to be determined before he'll begin work.  I wanted just the forearm bracers and ended up buying a full arm and leg harness (which I subsequently let go...not sure if that was a good move lol).  Just a thought.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-22, 18:44:52
Quite interesting. 
I’ve decided to stop wearing my good revival clothing gambeson for my regular longsword training as it is really showing some signs of wear and tear.

I see this is a warning, I thank you Sir Brian.  I was considering a front chest protection (similar to what Guy Windsor wears when he bouts) but it seems finding one is quite difficult.

Here is a WMA Equipment list in which I have drafted to achieve a period look when free fencing.

Revival Clothing gambeson (more likely to change or substituted with a Fuhlen Designs Gambeson)

Revival Thigh Knee Boots (got to admit it looks awesome)

Wondrose Armory Fiore Sparring Helmet w/ aventail

Rondel Elbows and Vambraces from Mad Matt's (or Anshelm)

(Gauntlets from Mad Matt's from my 14th century Harness)

What do you think?  Suggestions or warnings welcome!

That setup will certainly make you the envy of everyone at any HEMA event!  :)

Although period gambesons are really great for protection and aesthetics they are a bit on the ‘warm’ side whereas the alternative WMA protective gear isn’t as heat restrictive. With that setup I would recommend you consider some upper arm gear as well as some clavicle protection and your setup didn’t mention a gorget! You MUST have a decent gorget because even a hard thrust from a synthetic blade could damage the air passage in your throat.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2013-02-22, 19:54:30
I love my period gambeson, so much less hot than my armoured motorcycle coat.
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-02-22, 20:46:36
Sir Brian:  I did plan a padded collar gorget and it is on the list, I forgot to add it.  There is a padded gorget I did try on that was big enough to protect my neck, shoulder and clavicles.

On the other hand I was considering a simple steel gorget as seen on Clang that with the padded collar combined is good protection for the wind pipe. (I know, the jealousy rates would sky rocket.  ;))

Sir William:  I did contact Matt via email and he is available for business.  Thank you for the caution.  I intend to get the pieces (for this kit and for the harness) one at a time. 
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-22, 21:10:43
I think regular gauntlets you may need an alternative for any WMA that allows grapples / wrestling (ringen)? Otherwise sounds good to me!
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-02-25, 20:46:26
In terms of regular gauntlets for abrazare/ringen, that would be (in my perspective in the realm of blossfechten or spada without armor) secondary item.

The purpose if the Bouting Kit is for unarmored longsword fencing if I need to close in to abrazare distance there is an easy solution as Maestro Fiore advises in Il Fior di Battaglia (hint: opposite of Zogho Largo or Gioco Largo).  And teh other solution in my mind would be this very simple easy to utilize move that requires a stunning of the opponent via the gauntlets (hint: Guesclin was famous for this before his capture by the English it involved his hands).  Punch his noggin out of the way!  ;)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-28, 15:03:53
Well what a major disappointment this turned out to be. I received it yesterday and tried it on and being made in China it is apparently Chinese-sized and did not fit at all even though I was within the specified measurements. Regardless of the fit the padding was woefully in adequate for WMA! I would be seriously injured if I attempted any full speed free-play dueling with this armor. Well I think I’ll need to check some local motorbike shops and shop the old fashion way to determine which make and model armor would suit my needs before looking for anymore ‘bargains’ on the Net.  :(
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-28, 15:19:56
At least it didn't lead to injury while trying it out. I've been tempted to try to template up a horrible looking but effective set of WMA padding, and then cover it with a cheap linen shirt. Maybe you can use some of the cotton batting I have to reinforce the padding? Perhaps split the front and lace it up if it's close to fitting that way? Could be salvageable, but whether or not it's worth the time & cost of doing so....
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-28, 20:30:29

Oh man, that's a shame. At least it wasn't a huge expense though, right?
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2013-02-28, 20:38:34
What about hitting up your local Japanese motorcycle dealer to just get the off road body protection and sew it into a dedicated coat?
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-28, 21:13:40
What about hitting up your local Japanese motorcycle dealer to just get the off road body protection and sew it into a dedicated coat?

Yea that's my next move. Also getting make and model numbers from a few of the guys that have the nicer ones so I have a decent idea what to look for. :)
Title: Re: WMA equipment
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2013-03-02, 03:07:14
Hey, at least you didn't lose much. Yeah, if it pans out, I would be super intrested in cheaper than the revival gambo WMA protection!