Main => The Library => Topic started by: Lord Dane on 2013-02-08, 21:36:43
Here's the link: (
Sirs Edward & Brian might like this in particular. :) Expensive though!!
fake or reprint lol
fake or reprint lol
Likely. :) LOL
love the "sword" they have it displayed with
*IF* that's the "Silk Road Arms" from way back in the dial-up days of the internet that did Persian / Arabic armor, that *might* be a legit listing; only going off the seller's name
ya, crud i cant remember who ran the silk roads. used to talk to him all the time on the arador and early AA days. ummmmmmmm crud i have forgotten so much information since the age of children lol
ya, crud i cant remember who ran the silk roads. used to talk to him all the time on the arador and early AA days. ummmmmmmm crud i have forgotten so much information since the age of children lol
Haha, yeah, I think it was Norman something or something Norman? Haven't seen the site in forever and can't find it now, probably not the same guy.
It says it's an 1887 edition. That's believable, but I certainly wouldn't want to throw down that sort of cash without some assurance.
That's a lot of money for a book that can be had as a reprint for a very small fraction of the cost of that particular one.
That is an interesting looking sword he has in the pic with the book...anyone know or have an idea as to provenance?