Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2012-06-20, 21:05:57
Not a bad series overall. Really wish they would invest in some more authentic maille instead of the butted bingo wing stuff. ;)
Conquest-The Axman Cometh - Part 1 (
Conquest-The Axman Cometh - Part 2 (
Conquest-The Axman Cometh - Part 3 (
Yeah. I rather liked the series. :D
Though I disagree with the statements about the brutality being also in the weilders hands, my experiences have shown the axe to be a beautiful and elegant weapon. It's only brutal to my foes. 8)
Yeah in the Part one video @ around 6:00 mark when he was trying to show how the axe was better offensively verses the sword I thought it was way too contrived and oversimplified for the show as there was really no attempt by the swordsman to engage him, in fact the total lack of safety equipment only emphasizes the choreography of their 'combat' sequences. :-\