Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2012-06-07, 14:07:38

Title: Collector's editions of I.33
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-06-07, 14:07:38

Want! Too bad it's so expensive. I understand what they're doing though. They're raising money, so it's more of a sponsorship than a purchase. (
Title: Re: Collector's editions of I.33
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-06-07, 14:15:03
cool. out of my budget. come on Sir Edward, you know you want it hahahaha
Title: Re: Collector's editions of I.33
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-06-07, 15:20:09
How many Albions have you bought this month? Zero? That book is about the same price. Do it! :D

(we really do love spending people's money!)
Title: Re: Collector's editions of I.33
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-07, 18:01:03
This is awesome, this is a serious must for me, expensive: yes, but I am determined to own it when the time comes.  Then I will be having awesome Sword and Buckler fun, I would consider that from my short stature and natural tenacity for speed and accuracy, I would consider myself to be (example): "Sir Joshua Santana: the Sword and Buckler Knight
Title: Re: Collector's editions of I.33
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-10, 14:54:13
Here is a nice link is the case you cannot get the book  ;) (

Courtesy of the Sword and Buckler Knight