Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: swordteacher on 2012-02-28, 00:06:17

Title: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: swordteacher on 2012-02-28, 00:06:17

I would like to bring to your attention an event that is happening The second week of May 2012.

The Chivalric Martial Arts International is a symposium centered around the historical Tournaments and Deeds at arms of the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We have instructors coming from around the world to teach, train and participate in the largest, and perhaps the only, modern Deed of Arms. Classes will include horsemanship, historical martial arts, jousting, and academic courses that discuss many of the aspects of chivalry in the middle ages and today.

There or no prerequisites to attend this event, But historical clothing and armor will be required for some of the tournaments over the weekend.

This event is a unique opportunity. There has never been an event designed to teach the Chivalric martial arts that has included horsemanship, and at a price that is less than a typical horsemanship clinic.

The URL is (

Please look it over and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Brian Scott Wilson
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-28, 01:11:07

That looks like a really great event, and an excellent list of instructors.

Oh, welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-02-28, 01:14:21
Really looks very well organized! Wish I had the $ and leave to go!
oh and welcome to the forum! :)
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-02-28, 02:34:32
That does look like a blast. Especially being able to bring your own horse. I won't be able to get the time off, nor make the 1,000 mile trip, but it would be awesome if you post some pics here after the event is over. And welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2012-02-28, 03:11:16
I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Ian on 2012-02-28, 03:12:54
I'd be particularly interested in the fighting in harness instruction, that would be pretty cool. Would love to do the horsemanship stuff as well...
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-28, 14:28:26
I don't think i have enough leave saved up either. But man, it looks like an awesome event. We need one of these over here in the mid-Atlantic area. :)

I'd be particularly interested in the fighting in harness instruction, that would be pretty cool. Would love to do the horsemanship stuff as well...

Indeed. I have some basic riding experience, but that's about it. Mounted combat would be great.

We do some harnessfechten at VAF from time to time, and there was a class at WMAW for that this past year as well. I'm glad to see it getting more attention these days.
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-28, 14:54:46
I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!


this is the truest statement ever hehehe
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-02-28, 16:09:01
I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!


this is the truest statement ever hehehe

Methinks they are still working on that one!  :D
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Sir William on 2012-02-29, 18:41:44
I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!

Right.  Factor in the whole moving into a new home aspect, a wedding and two graduations coming down the pike and well...I'll be with them in spirit.
Title: Re: Chivalric Martial Arts International
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2012-03-18, 23:48:11
Looks cool! Too bad it's so dang far away (1800 miles from me).

Have fun man!
