Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-14, 19:59:25
- ( 10 bucks!!
Nice! This book is hard to find these days. I already have one though.
Great book, full of great images and information. I have a copy without the dust cover. Well worth it for any medieval library.
Nice! I've got 2 copies of it. It was somewhere around $50 when I bought it, pre-amazon and such. Definitely a great book and well worth $10, and even double or triple that. Someone should snag this!
I'm watching the bidding and hope to snipe the bid just prior to the end of the auction. If someone else here wants it let me know and I won't bid. There is no sense in us getting in a bidding war against each other! ;)
Just for reference, used copies start around $48 on Amazon currently: (
If you can get it for anything less than that, you're getting a good deal.
Yeah that was the first thing I did was to check the going rate @ Amazon. ;)
Ha, looks like it'll be you and me in a snipe hunt, Sir Brian. I am that I see you have interest, I shall bow out. Another will come up, I'm sure of it. I still have yet to crack Battle: 5000 years of combat for more than a referential look through.
it was one of my first self bought books years ago
I don't even remember when/where I got mine. It's been in my collection since before I started collecting medieval/historical books. I have a feeling my mom picked it up somewhere. I think mine is the older printing, from the 80's, but I don't recall. I'll have to take a look.
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31
Congrats! Yeah, this is really considered a "must have" for any armor enthusiast.
Mine's more recent than I thought, as it's the 1996 reprint. I must have gotten it shortly after this printing. I know I've had it since before I moved to VA, in 1997.
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31
So, you're mr.jerry eh? lol Pleased ta meetcha! lol
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31