Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-14, 19:59:25

Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-14, 19:59:25 ( 10 bucks!!
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-14, 21:09:36

Nice! This book is hard to find these days. I already have one though.
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Ian on 2012-02-15, 00:29:12
Great book, full of great images and information.  I have a copy without the dust cover.  Well worth it for any medieval library.
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-02-15, 04:51:11
Nice! I've got 2 copies of it. It was somewhere around $50 when I bought it, pre-amazon and such. Definitely a great book and well worth $10, and even double or triple that. Someone should snag this!
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-02-15, 08:17:09
I'm watching the bidding and hope to snipe the bid just prior to the end of the auction. If someone else here wants it let me know and I won't bid. There is no sense in us getting in a bidding war against each other! ;)
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-15, 15:20:34

Just for reference, used copies start around $48 on Amazon currently: (

If you can get it for anything less than that, you're getting a good deal.
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-02-15, 16:01:59
Yeah that was the first thing I did was to check the going rate @ Amazon. ;)
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir William on 2012-02-15, 20:54:47
Ha, looks like it'll be you and me in a snipe hunt, Sir Brian.  I am that I see you have interest, I shall bow out.  Another will come up, I'm sure of it.  I still have yet to crack Battle: 5000 years of combat for more than a referential look through.
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-16, 01:58:26
it was one of my first self bought books years ago
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-16, 14:38:08
I don't even remember when/where I got mine. It's been in my collection since before I started collecting medieval/historical books. I have a feeling my mom picked it up somewhere. I think mine is the older printing, from the 80's, but I don't recall. I'll have to take a look.

Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-02-16, 21:36:24
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31

Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-16, 22:38:52
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-02-17, 00:09:00
Congrats! Yeah, this is really considered a "must have" for any armor enthusiast.

Mine's more recent than I thought, as it's the 1996 reprint. I must have gotten it shortly after this printing. I know I've had it since before I moved to VA, in 1997.
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir William on 2012-02-17, 15:03:53
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31


So, you're mr.jerry eh?  lol  Pleased ta meetcha!  lol
Title: Re: AAOTMK
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-02-17, 18:43:49
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31

