Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-28, 22:17:39

Title: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-28, 22:17:39
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice EP 01 1/3 (

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice EP 01 2/3 (

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice EP 01 3/3 (
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-29, 13:22:02
Ahhh...cute and hokey.  lol
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-08-29, 19:20:58
Ahhhh! I remember that from like over a decade ago. I never had that kind of cartoon as a kid. Closest one was Ronin Warriors / Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, which was basically Power Rangers with historical samurai in modern day japan.
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-30, 14:47:55
Geez, now I feel old...I grew up on Tom & Jerry, Bugs and Friends and Woody Woodpecker.
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-08-30, 15:20:38

Yeah, that cartoon is 20 years old now. And yet it was still after my days of watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid. That's making me feel old. :)
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-30, 19:43:04
Think we're in similarly aged boats, Sir Edward.  I remember once upon a time I was the young upstart...
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2011-10-07, 13:50:50
Yeah, I remember both of them. However, I actually bought a copy of Ronin Warriors. Would not buy a copy of the King Arthur cartoon. :-p
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-10-07, 20:15:04
Yeah, I remember both of them. However, I actually bought a copy of Ronin Warriors. Would not buy a copy of the King Arthur cartoon. :-p

Woohoo! I thought I was the only one who knew what Ronin Warriors is. It was one of my favorite high school shows (along with TMNT). I have the DVD set of all 39 episodes, the 2 movies/OAVs, all of the soundtracks/CDs, and a Ryo action figure - just Wildfire, not the Hariel one. I love that show, I wish they would bring it back. Especially if they'd put them in the classic/traditional samurai armor they wore in some of the artwork/manga.
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir William on 2011-10-11, 14:33:10
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets geeked off of stuff like that.  lol
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-14, 19:23:50
dude, my kids r watching this on netflicks the bad guys rock man hehehehe they really love this show
Title: Re: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-02-15, 04:48:01
dude, my kids r watching this on netflicks the bad guys rock man hehehehe they really love this show

Netflix, you say? I may have to check this out.