Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2011-08-11, 20:55:31
Hey, Sir Edward...before you use that shield, would you consider selling it?
Possibly, I'll let you take a look at it. It's not fantastic, but it works. It's steel with rolled edges and leather straps.
Nice...I'd love to have a look!
I do have some photos, BTW: (
It has arm and guige straps? How big is it? It looks likey!
It's about 35" tall. Not sure how wide. I can measure later. It's steel, but not overly heavy. It does have handles and a guige, but I don't remember if the guige is adjustable. I'll have to check. I'm thinking not. I think it's just a strap that's riveted on.
That's not a problem; I could split the strap and rivet a belt to it, right? The strapping's black?
I think it's brown strapping, actually.
I think it's brown strapping, actually.
Probably a dark brown, actually. Here are some photos of me with it:
( (
SWEET! What would you let it go for? Any pics of the back of it? Hey, you were a green knight once! How old are these pics? Is that thick belt, is that the guige?
Yeah, the guige is pretty wide. It's bolted at the far corners, so the shield tended to slant to one side when I had it on my back.
The photos are from 2006. That was the last year that I used those old single-color surcoats. I made them back around 1999.
Hmm, no idea on the price. :) I don't have any pics of the back, but I can always take some.
Ok well let me know; I am interested. :)
i thought you had a templar shield? a wooden one would be better for faire and fighting, but a metal one is cool for decoration in the man cave for sure!
i thought you had a templar shield? a wooden one would be better for faire and fighting, but a metal one is cool for decoration in the man cave for sure!
Spot on Brother! :)
i thought you had a templar shield? a wooden one would be better for faire and fighting, but a metal one is cool for decoration in the man cave for sure!
I do have one, but I plan on getting it painted w/a new set of charges...not to mention, I have need of a shield for a righty as I have a sword that was belted for a righty so it would do to have a matched set.