Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir William on 2011-08-02, 14:52:59
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This is a fan film made in homage to the Tolkien deals with Aragorn's birth and the circumstances on which his parents met and fell in love. Considering this is a fan film and not a big budget movie, it is very well done. The acting is believable, the dialog suitable, the environments are beautiful (wherever they shot the film, it was well chosen), the costumes and weapons are suitable to what you'd expect and believe it or not, the fighting was decently choreographed and the Orcs were menacingly believable. Check it out if you have time, it runs just over an hour in length.
I agree, for a fan-film this is very well made ;)
see here,1266.0.html (,1266.0.html)
Ha, missed that...knew I got it from somewhere though!
Just saw this again...and am still amazed at the level of detail and authenticity that went into it...any fan of medieval or fantasy movies should check this out.