Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir William on 2011-07-27, 14:16:12
I know I may come under fire for even posting this but after having watched it, I thought the movie was better than I expected. Anyone else see it?
Red Riding Hood Movie Trailer Official (HD) (
my niece liked it, but she's only 18 so what does she know hahahaa
I heard the movie did really poorly in the theaters, and the critics hated it. But I still wanted to see it. I'll have to add it to my Netflix queue.
I rarely bother with the critics when it comes to movies like this...they almost never like them because they either don't understand them or the subject matter doesn't appeal...whatever the case may be, this was a good movie to watch. Interesting twist to the well known fable.
Ser William, I stand with you on this one. I liked it better then I expected. I watched The Eagle tonight. Enjoyed it too. I can't comment on the historical aspect of it but I watch movies in this gender as a story being woven not as a documentary.
Ecox, I'm with you...I liked the Eagle too. I saw it more as a buddy-buddy movie than anything else...but it was entertaining to say the least.
It brought to mind the movie Centurion, in that both movies deal with the legendary 'lost' 9th legion. Centurion was a better movie though, imho.
I too found this movie interesting, especially Gary Oldman's character. After having seen Black Death and Sean Bean's character, I felt there was some interesting similarities.
Frater, I that both characters are driven by their individual ideals...and the endings for both evoke similarities as well.
We finally got a chance to watch this film this past weekend. We enjoyed it. I know the reviews and box-office numbers were disappointing, but we thought it wasn't bad. It's an interesting take on the concept. An interesting werewolf story with some interesting characters.
Though I have to say, the guy with the great helm was amusingly flat in character. When Gary Oldman's team arrives in the town, this guy immediately just stands there pointing his crossbow at the villagers. That's all he does. All movie long. Except when he fires it a few times. But even then he's pointing it at people. :)
okokok guess i'll look for it on netflicks
I thought he was the comic relief. lol
We watched it the other night and found it to be an interesting adaptation of the fable, and a bit of light(ish) evening entertainment ;)