Miscellaneous => The Sallyport => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-13, 00:21:14
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Wow, now that is COOL. It'd never do for my wife though...she has a pathological fear of all insects...she'd constantly be worrying about who's spinning the new web in the rafters and what's that skittering noise underfoot. lol
Come to think of it, it'd bother me as well. :)
Still, this is VERY cool.
That's really neat. I'm surprised to see a finished product; seems like the thing most people would talk about, but never able to do (or complete).
I can't choose between this and the recently posted castle for sale. I could always use the Sir Wolf method of shopping and purchase both! :)
I'd go with the castle myself. ;)
You can always dig a hole on the grounds if you so chose. lol
I'd go with the castle myself. ;)
You can always dig a hole on the grounds if you so chose. lol
Or you could dig a hole under the castle. Best of both worlds then, eh?
just like merlins cave under tintagel castle
- see? Great minds think alike!