Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-12, 21:09:11

Title: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-12, 21:09:11
Typically free play Sunday at MASHS is the fourth Sunday each month but since Larry will be on vacation the fourth Sunday this month He decided to move it up to this Sunday! I cordially invite you all who is interested to join us at the Pip Moyer Recreation center in Annapolis from 2:30 to 4:30 for unlimited bouting. The floor fee is only $10.00 and you will need at least hand protection and a mask, oh and a chest protector would be prudent as well! ;)

What say you Sir Edward do you want to have another go at Michael Fuchs? - Just don't tire him out to much because I'm anxious to bout with him as well since it has been several months! We could go and terrorize the ice tea glasses again at Applebee's afterwards!  ;)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-13, 00:52:18

Hehe, :)  I probably won't be able to go this month, since we have two weeks to get Kat moved. So we'll probably be packing.
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-07-13, 20:36:30
Hmm, the instructor moved it since he would be on vacation, to the same weekend that I'll be on vacation. Gotta love the irony.

Sir Edward, are you situated for the move, or do you need extra arms?
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-13, 20:45:25

We're still working that out. I'll let you know. :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-14, 18:14:52

Hehe, :)  I probably won't be able to go this month, since we have two weeks to get Kat moved. So we'll probably be packing.

Well, this isn't completely off the table. It depends on how much we can get done before that. I might still be able to break free. We'll see. :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-14, 21:51:36
Excellent! I have to remember to bring my buckler as well. I haven't practiced with it since that one lesson but what the heck, I figure I could play around with it a bit! :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-17, 00:59:14

OK, it's looking like I can come.

I'll see you there! And I'll leave no iced tea unturned. :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-17, 07:25:06
Excellent! I know it will be a blast! If we have enough show up we could possible have a grand melee which is always fun! See you there.  :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-18, 02:20:59
What a great time today!

And the iced tea didn't take vengeance upon me. :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-19, 10:40:18
Yes it was a blast! Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier but I lost my FIOS yesterday sometime and it still isn't back yet!  >:(

It was a shame there wasn't more longsword participants and we weren’t so fatigued. I really wanted to try a grand melee with longsword and I:33 would be cool! :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-21, 15:03:32
Hey, glad you guys had a good know, when I first read this thread I was under the impression that only Edward was invited; when I re-read your first post I see I was mistaken.  My bad, gents! 

I should warn you, my sword skills are basically nil, but I learn fast.  :)
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-21, 15:06:14
heh. i haven't been to a sword class since 99/00 when MASHes was in Germantown. ugg i wouldn't even remember which end was the pointy end
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-07-23, 21:40:42
heh. i haven't been to a sword class since 99/00 when MASHes was in Germantown. ugg i wouldn't even remember which end was the pointy end

Pain is a great and fast teacher. ;) Sounds like time to get back into classes!
Title: Re: MASHS Free Play Sunday 7/17
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-31, 13:23:33
Hey, glad you guys had a good know, when I first read this thread I was under the impression that only Edward was invited; when I re-read your first post I see I was mistaken.  My bad, gents! 

I should warn you, my sword skills are basically nil, but I learn fast.  :)

heh. i haven't been to a sword class since 99/00 when MASHes was in Germantown. ugg i wouldn't even remember which end was the pointy end

Well perhaps you gentlemen will be able to join us on another freeplay Sunday. Don’t worry so much about your skill level as we have participants of several different levels. As long as you have adequate protective equipment (namely a fencing mask, gloves/gauntlets) you’ll be fine.  ;)