"He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce."
                -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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The Sallyport / Re: Where is everyone chatting these days?
« Last post by Thorsteinn on 2024-01-30, 19:52:46 »
Moved again. Work, injury, & school are kicking my ass
I'm not sure if it's still being shown in theaters at this point, but a few weeks ago I went and saw "The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King" for its 20th Anniversary on the big screen. It was definitely an awesome and worthwhile experience! especially since I had never seen it in theaters (I was four or five when it came out). They really did a nice job of "remastering" it, but its more of a nice polish. Don't worry I think the actual 20th anniversary is in December. Also I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but that means Two Towers turned 20 last December and Fellowship is now 22 years old. Not to making anyone feel old or anything XD.
Anyway, I think the story and characters of Lord of the Rings (books and movies) are definitely timeless, and a continuous source of inspiration for virtue.
The Sallyport / Re: Where is everyone chatting these days?
« Last post by Sir Nate on 2023-04-30, 20:00:17 »
I'm just finishing up my History BA, now I'm gonna try and get a career started (wish me luck :P).
I'm on facebook very little, but I'm still responsive to messenger. I'm also kind of on Instagram. I guess if its ever an emergency someone can still reach me by Raven or Horseback.
I'm gonna be at VARF May 20th, 21st and June 3rd, 4th. So I'll see you there?
The Campaign / Re: 2022 Maryland RF Group Photo
« Last post by Sir Nate on 2023-04-30, 19:52:46 »
Nice! I had just missed this one.
The Round Table / Re: Chivalry, sexism & masculinity
« Last post by Jeffrey Boyd Garrison on 2023-02-08, 03:57:16 »
Terminally late reply and a bit of a necro post, but, well stated!
The Campaign / 2022 Maryland RF Group Photo
« Last post by Combes777 on 2022-09-26, 03:53:54 »
2022 Maryland Renaissance Festival Group Photo:

The last day (Sunday, October 23, 2022) of the festival, there is usually a good turnout of individuals dressed as Knights! We usually meet up for a group photo during the day. I am looking to try and organize this here to see if there is even more interest. The plan is to meet at 12:30 PM next to the Joust Arena behind the Market Stage. For those in attendance that day, do I have any takers?
The Sallyport / Where is everyone chatting these days?
« Last post by MDJouster on 2022-03-28, 13:38:03 »
I see nothing on here since 2021 but the FB group is in the same year.  Where is everyone these days?  I know we all still love the topic.  We do this stuff outdoors an in 2022 it looks like the outdoor venues are coming back.
The Armoury / Re: Arms and armor 12th century sword. Two handed?
« Last post by Sir Nate on 2021-07-27, 04:58:02 »
I have that sword.  I would call it a Hand and a Half.  I can wield it one handed, but I'm 6'4".   A person of shorter stature might have trouble with one hand.   there is enough room, even with my big hams, to grip it with two hands, although the second hand would wrap around the pommel too.  I got mine used from Joe Metz and do not regret it in the least.  Here it is after grip rewrap along with the scabbard I made for it.

Sir Humphrey

Beautiful work! Earlier this year I finished a rehilt of an older version of this sword that I found on eBay to satisfy a strong desire for a High Middle Ages war sword with an octagonal pommel and medieval coins used as decoration, in the manner of the Duke of Urbino sword. This particular A&A example was of fairly early production – at least 20 years old per communication with their shop, given the combination of parts and the maker's mark used to stamp the blade.

Upon stripping the hilt I found some oddments with the tang that needed to be addressed, but otherwise no real problems. The pommel was great, particularly since it already had center recesses, but one side was too shallow and needed to be deepened. After considerable effort and expense trying to find a way to deal with that, I finally settled on using a Dremel grinding stone to deepen that side. The grip was reworked as well, simply to make it a bit slimmer and a better fit for the cross and pommel. Upon completion, I glued some reproduction medieval silver pennies into the recesses.

The main effort was with the crossguard. After much deliberation I decided against reworking the existing cross and made a new one from a mild steel bar. It is shorter overall than the original "spike" guard that was part of the as built piece and features a simple square cross section. I used a specialty tool I devised to help inlet the guard to fit the blade better.

I got compliments from the A&A shop on how the piece turned out, so I did something right!

I do need to make a scabbard at some point, however.

Looks Excellent! I especially like the silver pennies!
The Armoury / Re: Arms and armor 12th century sword. Two handed?
« Last post by Chuck G. on 2020-09-08, 05:02:40 »
I have that sword.  I would call it a Hand and a Half.  I can wield it one handed, but I'm 6'4".   A person of shorter stature might have trouble with one hand.   there is enough room, even with my big hams, to grip it with two hands, although the second hand would wrap around the pommel too.  I got mine used from Joe Metz and do not regret it in the least.  Here it is after grip rewrap along with the scabbard I made for it.

Sir Humphrey

Beautiful work! Earlier this year I finished a rehilt of an older version of this sword that I found on eBay to satisfy a strong desire for a High Middle Ages war sword with an octagonal pommel and medieval coins used as decoration, in the manner of the Duke of Urbino sword. This particular A&A example was of fairly early production – at least 20 years old per communication with their shop, given the combination of parts and the maker's mark used to stamp the blade.

Upon stripping the hilt I found some oddments with the tang that needed to be addressed, but otherwise no real problems. The pommel was great, particularly since it already had center recesses, but one side was too shallow and needed to be deepened. After considerable effort and expense trying to find a way to deal with that, I finally settled on using a Dremel grinding stone to deepen that side. The grip was reworked as well, simply to make it a bit slimmer and a better fit for the cross and pommel. Upon completion, I glued some reproduction medieval silver pennies into the recesses.

The main effort was with the crossguard. After much deliberation I decided against reworking the existing cross and made a new one from a mild steel bar. It is shorter overall than the original "spike" guard that was part of the as built piece and features a simple square cross section. I used a specialty tool I devised to help inlet the guard to fit the blade better.

I got compliments from the A&A shop on how the piece turned out, so I did something right!

I do need to make a scabbard at some point, however.
The Armoury / Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Last post by Frater de Beaumanoir on 2020-04-27, 13:02:22 »
Hello all!

I hope this post finds you all in good health and not laid low by the plague. I wanted to say that I do stop by this site frequently, because I like to read some of the discussions that take place. Much better here and more civilized.

With this being said, I wanted to post on this topic again, because the work I posted before has been given a bit of new life over the past few years, and I wanted to solicit the feedback from the learned members of this group. Not too mention y'all probably have some time on your hands to read it. Use it as an excuse to curtail that "Honey do" list of activities....if only for half an hour. ;D

Here's the work:

https://www.academia.edu/42866753/Fact_or_Fiction_the_horned_Teutonic_Helmet < Caution-https://www.academia.edu/42866753/Fact_or_Fiction_the_horned_Teutonic_Helmet >

Take care! Dv!
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