Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Feature request - automatic "info window" for common terms

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Sir James A:
I've seen this in a variety of places, and since we are getting a more diverse member base (SCA, HEMA, etc), I thought it could be a useful addition. It's the little "pop-in" message that shows up when you hover over a word/abbreviation you might not know. Example here:

(hover over the 4 images on the page)

It could be useful things such as SCA, HEMA, WMA, and also for common "group" terms like Unterhau, Oberhau, Pflug, Vom Tag, that are probably not too prevalent outside of the core WMA community.

I'm not sure how hard it is to add it to the forum, but I can provide a specific forum example, if it would help any.

Sir William:
That'd be awesome...save me from having to look it up all the time til it sinks in.  lol

Sir Edward:
Yeah, one of the cool features on myArmoury is that they have a list of words that get auto-highlighted as links to articles. A glossary mod on the forum would be cool. Looking at the SMF mods list, I see a glossary mod for the 2.x series (still in release candidates), but not one for the 1.x line.  A downloadable mod would be ideal, of course.

Sir Edward:

The compatibility is slightly out of date, but this one is half-way there:


It allows people to manually add tooltips to their own messages.

This is the one that's more correct to what we want, but it's designed for the 2.x series:


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-03-21, 16:14:22 ---
The compatibility is slightly out of date, but this one is half-way there:


It allows people to manually add tooltips to their own messages.

--- End quote ---

(I'm hacking on this message to test out some options. Installed this mod, learned from it, and removed it)

I'm [csstooltip=This is a test! A much longer test, indeed. I wonder how it will look.]testing something out[/csstooltip], using just CSS and a small edit to the forum code. (This CSS method looks good as long is it's not at the bottom or on the right side of the message, otherwise it scrolls off)

Second test: [inlinetip=This is a test! A much longer test, indeed. I wonder how it will look.]testing something out[/inlinetip] to see how well it works with inline text. This one allows the message box to resize appropriately so it never extends out of view, but everything shifts around. Not as pretty ,but more reliable.

[tooltip=This is a test! A much longer test, indeed. I wonder how it will look.]Test #3[/tooltip] is using the jQuery method. So is [tooltip=This is another test that also has long text. It's even longer than the others to try to fill up a bit more of the pop-up box.]test #4[/tooltip]


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