Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

ah the mark of the beast is on Modern Chivalry

<< < (2/3) > >>

Sir Edward:

Huh. I've been telling everyone for years that 668 is the neighbor of the beast. I guess it should be 618. :)

Sword Chick:
So every post from now on is more than evil?   ;D

Maybe I shouldn't be hanging out with you guys, good Catholic girl that I am.   ;)

Christian Tobler:
Yes, but we still just 'evil'...we haven't progressed yet to "E-vil".

And does the whole 'Catholic schoolgirl outfit and swords' thing fit in here somewhere now?

Oh, damn! Outside voice! ;)


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Christian Tobler on 2008-04-23, 16:18:58 ---And does the whole 'Catholic schoolgirl outfit and swords' thing fit in here somewhere now?

--- End quote ---

Now there's an image!


Sir Wolf:


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