Main > The Armoury

Maille Sabatons

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Sir Robert:
They look great, you know this in one area I think I would buy as well, I made Sabatons last year and never wore them as I thought they looked like clown shoes (mine were plate). I just dont have "it" with making them, but its almost always a forgotton spot in peoples kits. Thats ok if your a foot soldier (no pun intended), but as a Knight I doubt you would go into battle without protecting your feed from arrows and slashes. Nice find!

Sir William:
Stormdelver, did you make that helm in your avatar?

Sir Robert:
Yes I did, my second attempt at a helm. The one thing I regretted...not fitting it first while wearing full armor. It tends to hit my pauldrons....

I had also made an articulated gorget, but due to heat last year I never wore it.

Sir William:
Ah, when you turn your head from side to side....I see what you mean now that you've mentioned it.  How do you make your armor?  How do you get that non-shiny finish?

Sir Robert:
Well that was due to not really wanting to polish it, instead I gave it a brushed finished, but thats gone now as I polished it this winter. The issue was that I had done etchings in the metal and was afraid polishing would ruin the detail, but it actually made it better.

I make armor the old fashion way, a stump, several hammers, a forge (I use a big gas burner), and lots of time...and noise. Its very good therapy, like fighting, its hard to be frustrated after beating metal with a hammer for a couple of hours. I try and use only traditional rivets, I do make my own floating, keyed, and threaded rivets as well, and try to minimise other hardware. I do take advantage of currently availible materials, as they are more readilly availible (I use nylon webbing internally for plate strappings as they do not rot).


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