Main > The Great Hall

Forgot to introduce myself.

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Hey all,

It's a bit belated but...

My name, the one best used here, the one that is most 'me' is Ivan Ivanovitch Serebrenikov. I am a member of the SCA and have been in the West Kingdom for most of 30 years. I have been an SCA fighter for 11 years and a martial artist for 21. Aside from the West Kingdom I have also resided in Ansteorra, An-Tir, and Northshield.

Also both my mother & my step-dad are in the SCA, both fight, and my step-dad is a Knight of the West.

I have received a few awards, most for service and one for art via my experience in the West.

Ahh..hmmm.. I think I covered it but... Questions?


Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Ivan and welcome to the forum!  :)

Sir Edward:
Welcome aboard!

Sir Patrick:
Huzzah and welcome!

Sir Rodney:
Hello and Welcome!


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